Thursday, October 18, 2007

Divining with the I Ching

The I Ching or 易经 in Chinese, literally means the Book of Change.

We live in a constantly change world. The situations we are in changes constantly. If you have any doubt about the outcome of your actions, I Ching can be very useful to you.

The I Ching consists of 64 hexagrams, each hexagram contains 6 line texts. Through each hexagram, and thus the line texts, the I Ching decribes historical events in ancient China, along with the associated wisdom gained from these events.

When you have doubt about something, focus on the situation at hand, think about it, then, with your thoughts focused, ask the I Ching a question like:

"What will happen if I buy Google stock this week?"

Don't ask " Should I invest in the stock market?"

I Ching will not answer your yes or no questions, instead, be specific, ask the I Ching what will happen if you proceed in a situation, the I Ching will answer with a situation that occurred thousands of years ago, with sound advice you can follow.

With that in mind, I remind you to focus, have faith, and cast your question:

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